Beauty Uses Of Carrots: Beauty Applications Of Carrots, Beauty Benefits Of Carrots, Skincare With Carrots

We all are aware of the fact that carrot has several health benefits.But do you know that carrot is a great natural beauty product? It can be used in your everyday beauty routine for exfoliating your skin and for getting a natural glow.

Carrot is excellent for treating various skin and hair ailments.It is indeed an inexpensive, healthy and natural beauty ingredient which is available throughout the year.From now on stop buying expensive skin treatment creams and lotions and start making use of your day to day kitchen ingredients for all your beauty ailments.

Here are the beauty benefits of carrots which will compel you to become a carrot fan.Carrots have amazing beauty benefits whether used directly on the skin or by using them as a part of your daily diet.

Carrots Face Mask 

Boil two carrots and blend them to form a smooth paste.Add a spoon of honey to the carrot paste.

Apply this paste on your face smoothly and let it on for 10 to 15 minutes.In the end simply rinse with warm water.The results are amazing your skin will have a natural glow and will become healthy and beautiful with every application. 

Carrots are packed with beta-carotene, an excellent anti-oxidant which aids in slowing the aging process.Regular application of carrots face mask can really help you to keep your skin younger and glowing.

Exfoliating the skin naturally

Take one carrot and grate it.Mix a spoon of sugar granules to the grated carrot.Apply this mix on your face and neck and massage gently in circular movements.A cheap and effective way to get rid of the dirt and dead skin cells .Carrots mixed with sugar granules works as an excellent exfoliate for the skin.

Beauty Benefits of Carrots Juice

Carrots juice play a significant role in keeping your skin healthy and nourished.The antioxidants in carrots help a great deal to increase the skin’s immunity against sun and also helps in healing sunburn.Drinking carrot juice regularly especially during the summer acts as a natural sunblock.Carrot juice also helps to reduce blemishes and prevents wrinkles too.

Carrots juice act as a an excellent alternative medicine for the skin.Regular drinking of carrot juice aids in  keeping your skin smooth, soft and supple.Carrot juice is also helpful for treating uneven skin tones , helps in eliminating and preventing acne and also act as a natural cure for treating scars.Regular drinking of carrot juice really helps to revitalize and tone the skin.

Now you know the beauty benefits of carrots.So go and start using carrots in your beauty regime from today!

Article Written by Ruby Samy

Ruby Samy is a Freelance writer!

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